How to choose your next WVS project?

How to choose your next WVS project?

Here at WVS, we’re passionate about uniting veterinary professionals with projects around the world that are in desperate need of veterinary care. Not only does this provide a vital service for animals and communities, but volunteering is also an incredible rewarding experience for those taking part. It offers a chance to do something new, test your skills in a completely different environment and also explore a new country!

So how do you pick the project that’s right for you?

We run our own projects and training centres but we also link up with other smaller charities and organisations who need support with volunteers all over the world, and the list is ever growing!!

Our trips are split into vet, vet nurse, vet student and non-vet trips so there’s plenty of trips to suit your requirements. Whether you’re looking to take part in a mega neutering project or an outreach programme in remote communities, we’ve got projects that cover all this and everything in between! Many of our projects focus on small animal welfare, but we also have equine and wildlife conservation trips available! Make sure you check the requirements for each trip; some will require volunteers to have at least 5 years’ experience after qualifying, but others may have more vets and nurses on the team to supervise so will be willing to take people with less experience.

What next?

Maybe you’ve got a country in mind that you’ve always wanted to visit, and would like the chance to do something meaningful while you’re there, get the know the local community and see a different side to the usual tourist scene.

Take a look at all our trips by clicking here, check the requirements in terms of skillset and minimum time for volunteering, and then apply! It’s as simple as that! Make sure you have a read of some of our volunteer blogs here to see how others have got on at our projects. If you have any questions, get in touch with us on or calling the projects team on 01725 557225.

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