A happy ending for Mommam

A happy ending for Mommam

Mommam was brought to our centre in Thailand in February with what seemed to be a deliberate cut on his back.

The cut was deep and went through many layers of muscle so the vet team sedated him so that we could examine the wound in greater depth with minimal pain and distress to him. The wound has necrotic tissue and dry debris infecting it, so it was flushed out with saline before applying a wet-to-dry bandage. The wet-to-dry bandage draws out the infected material over time and is replaced daily until the wound is cleansed properly. Once the infection had cleared the wound was surgically repaired.

Finding a loving home

Sadly, due to his traumatic experience, Mommam was afraid of humans, but our in house behaviourist conducted a behavioural assessment, and our team worked with Mommam to reduce his fear of humans. After a few weeks of kind and loving care, he began to enjoy spending time with some people.

Fortunately, the kind hearted person who had found Mommam and brought him to WVS Thailand got in contact with us to see how he was doing. We explained the situation and expressed that we thought he might be difficult to rehome. They were keen to try to see if he would be happy with them and, after some advice from our team, brought him home.

Mommam is settling in well, and we are keeping in touch, to provide support as needed.

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