Mission Rabies

Mission Rabies

It is time to end the suffering caused by rabies.

The world's deadliest disease

Every 9 minutes a person dies from rabies.

Over 99% of human rabies cases are caused by an infected dog bite.

Over 40% of human rabies deaths are children.

Once symptoms of the disease develop, it is fatal.

Every year, millions of healthy dogs are inhumanely killed for fear of this deadly disease.

The world's deadliest disease

Our goal: save lives

We are saving human and animal lives through large-scale vaccination. Our programmes aim for 70% vaccination rate in rabies hotspots, every year, to achieve herd immunity. This stops the disease at the source, keeping dogs and people safe.

Our teams combine many approaches to achieve this, including mass vaccination drives, door to door visits, and regular clinics.

Our surveillance teams respond to rabies emergencies and ensure anyone bitten by a suspected rabid dog, receives urgent post-exposure treatment.

In every place we visit, we also run education campaigns where we teach children and members of the community about rabies prevention. Simply knowing how to spot the signs of rabies, could be the difference between life and death.

Read more about our Mission Rabies project here

Our goal: save lives

Volunteer with Mission Rabies

Alongside the many volunteering opportunities available with WVS, we also need volunteers to join us at Mission Rabies projects around the globe. If you are passionate about eliminating this cruel disease and saving the lives of both people and animals, this is for you! Watch our video below to discover what it is like to join us at a Mission Rabies project.

Find out more about volunteering with Mission Rabies

The Rabies Rally

If you're looking for a unique and exhilarating team building adventure, join us in Cornwall for this fantastic, annual fundraising challenge!

Discover more about the Rabies Rally

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© 2025
WVS is a UK registered charity (1100485)
WVS USA is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization

4 Castle Street, Cranborne, Dorset, BH21 5PZ, United Kingdom

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