Worldwide Veterinary Service

Helping animals in places where no one else canSupport us

Right now, thousands of animals are suffering silently with no chance of ever receiving veterinary care.

Like you, we don't think this is fair.

Worldwide Veterinary Service provides free expert care to animals in need all over the world. We do this by sending vets where they are needed most, training them to increase the standard of care globally and by shipping urgent aid supplies worldwide, every week of the year.

Thanks to you, last year Worldwide Veterinary Service

Treated over 71,000 animals

Treated over 71,000 animals

Trained more than 3,000 vets and vet students

Trained more than 3,000 vets and vet students

Sent over 850 aid parcels

Sent over 850 aid parcels

Take action

Whether you want to support our work, be a part of providing veterinary care in some of the world's poorest areas or need Worldwide Veterinary Service's assistance, we'd love for you to get involved.

"Animal welfare matters. Let's be the difference."

- Luke Gamble, WVS Founder

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Gifts that give back

Every sale supports life-saving care for animals in need.