The Angharad Simlett-Moss Volunteering Bursary

The Angharad Simlett-Moss Volunteering Bursary

The 2024 Angharad Simlett-Moss Volunteering Bursary has now closed, applications for 2025 will open later this year.

Volunteering on one of our international projects is an amazing way to make an impact on animal welfare, helping to provide expert care in the places where animals need it most.

We appreciate that volunteering is an incredible commitment, and it isn't something everyone is able to do. For many people the cost of travelling can be a barrier to taking part, and so we were delighted to launch the Angharad Simlett-Moss Volunteering Bursary in 2024, which will provide financial support to a vet who would otherwise be unable to volunteer.

Angharad was a vet who specialised in small animal surgery and had hoped to be able to volunteer on a WVS trip, but sadly passed away before she was able to do so. This bursary has been set up in her memory, in order to give other veterinarians the chance to have that experience, which she would have loved.

Read more about Angharad's story

The details

  • The successful applicant would receive £1,000 towards the cost of their trip, which can be used towards their flights and accommodation.
  • The trip would be to the WVS centre in Malawi, where they would be providing training to vets to help improve the standard of veterinary care.
  • The bursary is open it to vets with 3+ years' experience, based in the UK.
  • Applications are accepted from 1st June to 14th July 2024.

How to apply

Applications are currently closed for 2024, but will open for 2025 later this year. If you have any questions please email

Terms and conditions

  • WVS will work with you to find a suitable date, based upon travel restrictions and availability.
  • The location of the trip may change due to unforeseen circumstances, but applicants will be given significant notice.
  • The successful applicant will need to book the trip within 6 months and take it within 12 months.
  • The applicant is responsible for ensuring visas, vaccinations etc are up to date, but will be supported by the WVS team with advice and assistance whilst booking and throughout the trip.
  • Applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges and the decision of the judges will be final.

If you would like more information, please contact