Luke's March 2019 Update

Luke's March 2019 Update

What a winning month! The 2018 Annual Reviews are completed! Mission Rabies: WVS: Headline update of power is below!!!!!!!!!

Parcels The total number of parcels dispatched this month is 86, with the value of products totalling a whopping £14,352.91. Considering Lulu has been on a trip to Laos and Thailand for half the month – that’s great going!!! Teams Teams have gone out to Grenada, Carriacou, Bolivia, Malawi, Thailand, Laos, South Africa and India. Each of the three ITCS had big international courses this month! Total Participants Trained at ITCs: 240 (target min 700 by year end so on track!) Education The figures in from the pilot education programme in Ghana showed we reached 14,000 children in 93 schools! Fantastic work! The total education figures for 2019 are currently at 80,818 children reached, with a grand total of 2.49 million children rabies educated since we started!

Truck Praveen has sent through a great report on the truck work this month. Some fantastic small group training and 259 dogs neutered on the mobile outreach! Ranchi 2,025 vaccinations in Ranchi and some great rescue cases! Goa 6,861 dogs vaccinated!!!! 3 rabid dogs picked up. Mission Rabies and the Hicks teams did an outstanding job at the Goa Carnival parade this year and it was a month with some big Holi celebrations in the middle! Congratulations to Duryodhan for being MR India employee of the month!!! He’s caught two dogs at the same time in his net 15 times since the start of January! I think he must have a bigger net than everyone else but I’m sure he’ll tell me different! Amazing work!

Hicks Karlette’s report this month is brilliant. Some incredible rescue stories and great participant feedback. Go team HICKS!!! Ooty Ilona has also sent in a knockout report this month as the Ooty ITC continues to go from strength to strength. I love the pictures of Sam powering on with the farriery work at Destiny Farm. Thanks hugely to the team driving the working equine work – promoting awareness and striving to increase the moral perception of owners towards their animals can have a massive impact. The integration of FMD and concurrent canine rabies vaccination on rural outreach projects with the Government vaccination teams is also a phenomenal initiative and Ilona’s idea to drive this on and make it work could be pivotal for the sustainability of ongoing rabies elimination campaigns. The economics of vaccinating dogs this way can transform current modelling of sending separate teams. Thailand Ian, Dr G and the team have had another busy month, not only at the ITC but also on outreach with Dr G visiting Myanmar to gear up for the Government-initiated sterilisation project in Yangon. The WVS Thailand team keep inspiring us all and thanks to Dr Amulya from WVS India who has been on her rotation in Chiang Mai.

Malawi There's been a proposed dog cull at Chancellor College in Zomba and how Paul and Myson stepped in to prevent it. I think it’s a great story and brilliant work by the team – they also did all this on a Sunday morning which was quick thinking and saved the day as the cull team was lined up to go in there first thing on the Monday. Also, Dagmar’s report is below featuring the emergency rabies response at Cape Maclear and some fantastic rescues at the BSPCA. Go Frank! Ghana Thanks to WSAVA Foundation, Afscan and with the invaluable support as ever from Dogs Trust, MSD Animal Health and The Marchig Trust.

Other news We have a new member of staff joining the team this month. Tom is giving us a try as Head of Technology as we power forward all tech-based aspects of our work. Welcome to the team, Tom! Thanks to Andy and Gowri for presenting at the CVA and representing the charities, and also for hosting Jim Gorman from the New York Times who visited the project. Hopefully his article will say good things when it’s published!! The Young Vets Club initiative is also going from strength to strength and I’d like to say a very sincere thanks to our WVS Patron the Countess of Shaftesbury for presenting the prizes at the children’s art event held at FSM school. Thanks also to FSM for allowing us to host the evening there and to Sharon Etherington, an artist and teacher based in New Zealand, who has been a long-time supporter of WVS and gave us the inspiration to set this art competition up. The twinning of 12 UK and 12 Indian schools has been uplifting for all of us to be involved with and many of the art works, depicting messages of animal welfare and the needs of animals - were genuinely brilliant. Nicky couldn’t have worked harder to set all this up and Katharyn has (thankfully!) now joined us full time so we have a super team on the case! The new YVC website will be launching soon and please do sign up any children you know!! Thank you as ever to our sponsors and supporters – Dogs Trust, MSD Animal Health, The Marchig Trust, Rotary, WSAVA Foundation, BBF, The Olsen Trust, WTG and the Sir Peter O’Sullevan Trust to name but a few. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luke

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